Sunday, February 4, 2007

Super Bears; Super Bowl; Grossman sucks!

Anyone who is a Bears fan, and talked to me, would know that I said, "Let Griese compete for the starting job." I have never given up that view. Brian Griese is a proven QB and Grossman is not. The fact that everyone expects so much from Grossman is really unfair. Yes, he was a phenom at Florida. Yes, he finish in the top 5 for the Hiesman Trophy his senior year. That does NOT mean he will be a good QB in the NFL. If we would have let Griese fight for the starting QB spot in Bourbonnais; we would NOT have lost the Super Bowl. After the NFC Championship, I decided to hop on the Grossman bandwagon. Boy was I wrong. I say we go old school and ride him out of town on a rail(thoses of you who don't know what that means; look it up). Everything is in place for the Bears to dominate the next 5 years except a QB. We need to use this draft as we did in '82 with Jim McMahon(he was far from good, but he fit into our system). In conclusion, Rex Grossman is a decent QB. He will be a GREAT 2nd string. The Bears need a TRUE starting QB.

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